Category: Parenting
Melanie Pitman
June 7, 2017
Adult, Book Lists, Children, Family, Humor, Parenting, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, weird fiction, WTF
If you’ve read some of my previous articles, you may remember that I’ve worked in childcare for almost 10 years and that I absolutely cannot stand the so-called children’s …
It’s a cliché to say that there are no books on parenting. Well, there are a lot of parenting books, but they don’t come with any guarantees. The thing …
We usually associate ambition and business savvy with men in suits and corner offices in huge office complexes, but these days, it’s not uncommon for the CEO and SVP …
As if we needed more information to link improved academic achievement in children with early exposure to reading! NYU’s School of Medicine completed a recent study that demonstrated a …
The transition from high school to college is probably one of the first major life changes you’re going to face; you may be moving away from home and you’ll …
Everyone always talks about the sacrifices that adults make when they enlist in the military–and they do make many terrible, heartbreaking sacrifices during their years of service. But no …
Life is complicated; there’s no way around it. And with all of the trappings of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of what really matters. Along those same …
Children’s television is the worst. The. Worst. Am I right? There are only so many episodes of singing and chanting cartoon creatures that I can stand before my left …
“Parents are just uncelebrated rock stars – we stay up late, take drugs and treat our bodies like crap. Yay!” In the tradition of Allie Brosh’s Hyperbole And A …
I’d put money on the fact that most parents are beyond tired of seeing pink princess propaganda every time they turn around. The princess industry has made Disney enough …
I’ve worked in childcare for more than ten years, and as you can imagine, I’ve read my fair share of children’s books. This past year I even took a …
We live in a world today where common courtesies and kindness is rare to come by. Not to many decades ago, children respected their parents, asked before leaving the …
In order to help children learn to read, as well as continue the habit, the town of Iva, South Carolina, Anderson School District 3, and United Way have teamed …
Growing up as a kid with ADHD is tough. Sometimes it feels like nobody understands you, or worse: that everyone is sick of you and your inability to sit …
Potty training is probably one of the most arduous times in the life of your toddler. It’s fraught with setbacks, full of tears and messes, and just generally stressful…but …
Marcus Tullius Cicero, the ancient Roman philospher and orater once said, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” Parents know all …
Preparing for a new baby is ridiculously exciting… for the most part. Unfortunately, it can also be ridiculously stressful for older siblings-to-be. Here are a few books to make that transition …
November is the month of thankfulness, family gatherings, and traditions both old and new. For many, it means more than giant turkey-inducing snoozes in the afternoon or football games. It …
You’re a mom. Your kisses have magical healing properties, you play a mean game of hide and seek, and you have your child’s favorite picture book memorized. But since …
Although we wish kids could live completely stress-free, play-filled lives, if we want them to grow up to live stress-free (or at least relatively so) lives as adults, we …