Two whole decades of celebrating books seems like a long time, but in reality stories have been around since, well, forever! In this minute blip of time we have created a day to praise storytellers, as well as their life-changing, inspiring, and creative use of language. World Book Day (WBD) is largely celebrated in Europe and it’s about time we bring the book nerd party to us here in the US, too! Here are a few awesome ways to celebrate books and all things bookish on WBD, March 2nd 2017:
1. Dust Off Your Cape
That’s right, I know you have a superhero costume or a wizard’s wardrobe hidden in your closest. Sport a Potteresque costume, or throw together an ode to your favorite comic series. Perhaps you have an old-timey frock perfect for your infatuation with Little Women. Whatever character you love, WBD is the day to show it off!
2. Quote Your Favorite Author(s)
Social media is the perfect platform for World Book Day. Pull out some of your favorite books and quote your most loved passages on Facebook. If your beloved author still walks the earth, tag them in the post too and show some love for their hard work. Better yet, post twenty of them! One for each year World Book Day has been around.
"I had the epiphany that laughter was light, and light was laughter, and that this was the secret of the universe."TheGoldfinch @DonnaTartt
— Lauren Miller (@Baby_Goats) February 22, 2017
3. Find A Book You Haven’t Read
Sure, you can take a trip to Barnes & Noble and pick out a book you’ve been lusting after, but that’s not the only option. Step outside and if you have neighbors, approach them. I know it’s scary to communicate with people outside of your phone, but you can do it! Introduce yourself, talk about WBD, and see if they would be interested in a book swap. You can even leave your reading comfort zone and expand your mind. Woah – I know!
If you’re too shy to converse with neighbors, or you don’t have any close by…
4. Visit A Tiny Lending Library
You know those quaint tiny boxes some people put out on their lawn for books. Use Google to see if any of these adorable creations are in your area. If so, take a book with you to leave behind. Pick the book that appeals most to you and presto — new book to read!
5. Write A Story
Feeling inspired by your favorite author? Have you always wanted to give writing a try? World Book Day is the perfect opportunity to do so. Write a poem, an essay, a short story, or start a novel you’ve been thinking about. Maybe you will be the next big author, or maybe you won’t. Either way, the writing process is a fun one, so get involved!
6. Leave A Treasure
Before you leave the house on WBD, pack a novel. Make it one you love, but could replace or part with. Now, leave it on a park bench, subway seat, bus stop, office lunch room, anywhere. Someone will likely snatch it up! However, if you’re concerned they won’t grab the book, leave a little post-it on it reading something cute like “Read me for World Book Day,” or “Free Awesome Book —Happy World Book Day!”
7. Random Act Of Bookmarks
If you really want to get in the spirit of WBD, use a program like Adobe, Paint, Photoshop, or even Word to create a bookmark. Print as many of these as you want and stash them in your bag. Next, visit your local library and find a few books you’ve read. Place the bookmarks inside the books on a favorite page or chapter. You can even let the reader know by writing “This was my favorite part” or something similar on the bookmark. I don’t know about you, but I always take out books and then make a bookmark out of scrap paper. This act of kindness would make my day, how about yours?
This may be a little obvious, but the easiest way to celebrate WBD is to read a book! Take a little time on March 2nd to open up the book you’re currently reading and dive in. The more time you can spare the better, but we all have busy lives, so any reading at all is good reading. If you don’t have a book on hand, read articles or poetry online, or grab a magazine on your 15 minute break! On World Book Day, as long as you are thinking about your favorite books, you’re on the right track. Celebrate the day curled up alone with your current book obsession or by browsing the closest bookstore with friends. Anything book-related will do.
Let’s make World Book Day HUGE this year!
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