Even with the digital age upon us, books are still bringing people together from all over the world. In fact, it was the Oxford Street branch of Waterstones bookshop that brought together Victoria and Jonathan O’Brien earlier this year. Jonathan ran the Twitter feed for the bookstore – Victoria followed it – and they got married as a result.
As with the best love stories, this plot dates back to 2012 – when Victoria became aware of the @WstonesOxfordSt account. While she knew nothing of the author, she was captivated by the tweets and soon became a fan and follower. She particularly enjoyed his comedic tweets and jokes, which were connected to a zine Jonathan published called The Rooting Tooting Times.
Victoria was so taken by these tweets that she began to tweet as well. Her tweet mentioned that she was in love with whoever manned the Waterstones Oxford Street Twitter account. Jonathan responded that “Book nerds are not that dreamy”, while Victoria replied with “Book nerds are dreamboats.” While the exchange continued – it suddenly came to a stop. This is because Jonathan had merely assumed that this was yet another advance – or digital marriage proposal – that he had seen countless times before.
Jonathan did rouse into action when Victoria implied that they once met for a drink. According to Jonathan, he did not recollect their meeting. However, he was still chatting with Victoria and even mentioned that he liked donuts. This prompted her to bring a bag of donuts to the shop and the rest was history.
From bookstores and Twitter to donuts, this is truly an amazing love story. So much so that it has captured the attention of millions of fans across the world – some even calling for a movie version of this story. It just goes to show once again how technology is bringing people together – even in the most traditional and conventional venues.
YouTube Channel: Bookables
Featured image via Feel Grafix
h/t Buzzfeed