
It’s Not Thou, It’s Me: 8 Breakup Texts From Your Favorite Classic Characters

Nobody deserves to be broken up with via text. It’s just so cold, such an easy way out! Unfortunately, it happens far too often and hearts are irrevocably broken. On the other hand, these horrible, heartless text messages often provide the rest of us with a good laugh!

Source: Giphy

For most of these classic characters, the equivalent of a text message would probably have been a messenger dove. Or maybe a nighttime rider. If they had been able to use our modern, more convenient form of communication, though, even the most devoted lovers may have experienced some second thoughts and expressed them by sending text messages.

I admit it. I’m guilty. I once broke up with someone with an iMessage. But I wasn’t nearly as harsh as some of these people are!


1. Lysander and Hermia, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

I mean, their names DO both start with H. Give the guy a break!

Source: Author’s Own

Source: Author’s Own

Source: Author’s Own

2. Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre, Jane Eyre

Oh you sweet, innocent, naïve girl. Of COURSE the handsome, super rich guy is already married! They always are.

Source: Author’s Own

Source: Author’s Own

3. Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet

Tybalt will help solve this little lover’s quarrel in no time, I’m sure.

Source: Author’s Own

Source: Author’s Own

4. Daisy and Tom Buchanon, The Great Gatsby

Maybe if they’d used the green light to send messages via Morse code, instead of text, this little mistake could have been avoided.

Source: Author’s Own

Source: Author’s Own

5. Charlotte and Mr. Collins, Pride and Prejudice

The lesson here is clear: don’t marry someone who gets more upset about the trampled rose bushes than he is about the other man.


Source: Author’s Own

Source: Author’s Own

6. Alexei and Anna Karenina, Anna Karenina

Be sure your sins will find you out… especially if you don’t properly check your contact list.

Source: Author’s Own

Source: Author’s Own

7. Pip and Estella, Great Expectations

Oh Pip. Miss Havisham would be so proud of you! Really, we all agree that Estella had it coming.

Source: Author’s Own

8. Edward Ferrars and Elinor Dashwood, Sense and Sensibility

OH SNAP! Elinor brought it! Who would have thought she had it in her?

Source: Author’s Own

Source: Author’s Own

Remember the Sex and the City episode where Carrie was dumped on a Post It note? Well, I’m pretty sure text messages are worse.

Do you agree?

YouTube Channel: kathyp5


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