Category: Shakespeare
Melanie Pitman
May 29, 2017
Charles Dickens, Charlotte Bronte, Classics, Drama, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jane Austen, Literary Fiction, Relationships, Romance, Shakespeare, Women, WTF
Nobody deserves to be broken up with via text. It’s just so cold, such an easy way out! Unfortunately, it happens far too often and hearts are irrevocably broken. …
Want to discover new books? Want to reread some of your favorite classics? Check out these websites where you can download or read books for free! 1. Classic …
If you know your Elizabethan slang and poetical metaphors, you also know that Shakespeare was actually a pretty hilarious–and dirty–guy. But what happens when you cross Shakespeare with the …
In 2011, as he was prepping his AP English students for the exam, high school teacher Eric Kallenborn had an idea. What if, instead of simply assigning essays on Shakespeare …
Melanie Pitman
April 10, 2017
Adult, Book Lists, Chick Lit, Drama, Erotica, Faves, Human Interest, Jane Austen, Nicholas Sparks, Romance, Sexuality, Shakespeare, Women, WTF
A friend recently said to me that she thought she had unrealistic expectations about what love and romance should be, thanks to all the books she’s read. Men in …
An expert in antique books and manuscripts was left trembling after one find during Antique Roadshow. The item was a 17th-century notebook titled Shakespeare: Comedies and Tragedies. The author …
Every time it is difficult to narrow down the huge list of authors into only 15. Even if some of these names are unfamiliar, their stories and their legacy …
Are you a die-hard Gilmore Girls fan? Know the true meaning behind “Oy with the poodles already”? Remember every beloved joke and witty comeback? Perhaps even completed the insanely …
Yes, I know, we’ve already given you a pretty good bucket list of books to work your way through. But honestly, with so many good books out there, it’s …
From the very first day of my freshman year at Yale, my professors bombarded me with reading suggestions: “Oh, this is such a great book, I think you’d really …
Netflix has a great documentary about the life of famous playwright William Shakespeare called Shakespeare: The Legacy. You can see the beautiful scenery of the town in England that Shakespeare was …
Sara Deeter
March 8, 2017
Book Lists, Chick Lit, Classics, Human Interest, Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Stephanie Meyer, Women, WTF, Young Adult
Ambi…what? I know–“ambivert” sounds like it belongs on those lists of advanced SAT words that you *totally* still remember from your frantic memorization sessions in high school. But just …
Christianna Marks
February 25, 2017
Book Lists, Book News, Classics, Contemporary, Emily Bronte, Fantasy, Jane Austen, L. Frank Baum, Mystery, New Releases, Performing Arts, Poetry, Relationships, Romance, Satire, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Shakespeare, TBR, William Shakespeare, Young Adult
I don’t know about the rest of you, but even in the midst of all the retellings out in the world, I still get excited when I see that …
Kathy Gates
February 9, 2017
Biography, Book Lists, Classics, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Harper Lee, Jane Austen, Shakespeare, Truman Capote, William Shakespeare
Most authors have fascinating back stories of their own. Which is why they make great subjects for movies and television. Here are the screen alter egos of 10 of …
When I was in high school, I actually wasn’t a bookworm. (I trust you to keep that secret.) I actually found it very difficult to sit down and read …
Shakespeare. Some hate him, some love him, but both agree that he is easily one of the most well-known playwrights in the world of literature. Hollywood also happens to …
Yesterday brought us the sad news of the death of the great British actor, John Hurt. He of the mellifluous voice and so many unforgettable roles on stage and screen. …
Decals, decals, decals. The more you say it, the weirder the word sounds. Try it for yourself. Decals. Great. Now, wall decals are also known as wall stickers, wall …
Three prison inmates walk onto a stage. No, it’s not the beginning of a bad joke. It’s a production of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, performed in California’s Solano prison …
When a book is considered for film adaptation, how much say should an author have in the script? After all, the story wouldn’t exist without the author. But a …