
These Picture Books Introduce Children To Classics!

If you’re a parent, you probably know the struggle of reading the same book to your child at least ten thousand times. Favorites  such as Goodnight Moon and Curious George are staples of a children’s library, but after so many rereadings you may find yourself wanting to expose your children to the classics. Books such as On The Road or The Old Man and the Sea may have wonderful stories, but are filled with verbosity beyond what a young child may be ready to handle.

Source: Pixabay

If you find yourself in this position, KinderGuides has a solution for you. KinderGuides makes it their mission to translate adult classics into a form that younger readers will love. These picture books keep the essence of the original story. Guides for books, such as On the Road, that contain more adult content are told in such a way as to preserve the story while also being appropriate for children. All the little gritty details will still be there waiting for them when they pick up the original when their a little older.

While the art form across books seems to keep a retro feel, they are tailored to the story. For example, Breakfast at Tiffany’s artwork is sleek, classy, and highlights that iconic teal blue on the cover. While 2001: A Space Odyssey has art work that is darker, abstract, and just a little bit alien.

Source: KinderGuides

There is no particular shortage of children literature. There are thousands of picture books and short novels that will fill your child’s reading needs for years (Harry Potter anyone?). However, I think this is a great idea. There is a reason why classics are classics. Their stories are timeless and usually carry some core of meaning (such as The Old Man and The Sea, and the takeaway of never giving up). Not to mention that added boost of nostalgia that children will get when they eventually pick up the original classics will just be an extra boost towards their love of reading.

Recently KinderGuides was awarded the 2016 Moonbeam Children’s Book Award in the category of Best Picture Book Series. If you are interested in these books for yourself or any kids in your life, you can find them at KinderGuides for $16.95 each.

What classic will you read to your children?

YouTube Channel: Moppet Books


Featured image via KinderGuides

h/t Bustle