Tag: music
Warren Zevon, known for his hit song “Werewolves of London,” was not just a prolific songwriter, he was also a well-known bibliophile. Over the course of his lifetime, Zevon …
Once upon a time not long ago When people wore pajamas and lived life slow… So begins legendary rapper Slick Rick’s 1988 hit song Children’s Story. Now, the song which …
Christianna Marks
February 14, 2017
Adult, Book Lists, Contemporary, Fantasy, Horror, Human Interest, Literary Fiction, Mental Health, Music, Relationships, Romance, Suspense/Thriller, weird fiction, Young Adult
If you’re a music junkie like me, chances are you know a lot of songs, and if you’re here, you probably read a lot of books. Now imagine those …
Slayer, the new mini-series published by Dark Horse comics, expands on the metal legend’s music video series for Repentless, You Against You, and Pride In Prejudice. Slayer has been hailed …
YouTube Channel: Shoalhaven Libraries The lovely librarians of Shoalhaven Library perform a bookworm-approved version of Queen’s classic Bohemian Rhapsody. Not sure if this version is available on iTunes or Google …
YouTube Channel: HALIDONMUSIC Take an hour or two that’s devoted to your quality reading time and enjoy the expressive musical stylings of some of the classical greats such as Beethoven, Bach, …
Are you a die-hard Swiftie? Did you secretly love Twilight in middle school but now bash it every chance you get? Or are you open about your Twihard-ness and …
Melanie Pitman
December 4, 2016
Book Lists, Book Lovers, Children, Classics, Family, Fantasy, Faves, History, Music, Performing Arts
My favorite event of the Christmas season is the local production of the Nutcracker ballet. The city’s finest dancers, the incredible orchestra, and even some intricate, giant puppets come …
The Nobel Prize awards are one of, if not the most prestigious awards any person can dream of obtaining. In 1901, following the death of Alfred Nobel in 1895, prizes …
Christianna Marks
September 25, 2016
Author Spotlight, Authors, Contemporary, Ebooks, Human Interest, Music, New Adult, Performing Arts, Reviews, Romance, Young Adult
Do you enjoy a good coming of age story? Do you squeal at cute romances? Do you love to delve into the world of musicians and people who love …
Music is a major theme in YA literature. There are many books out there filled with bands and musical passion and you might think you’ve read them all. The …
Punk rock memoirs provide an intimate glimpse into a world many of us have dreamed of entering. It’s a rough, in-your-face, and alternately welcoming and alienating place filled with …
Laura Seabourne
September 12, 2016
Autobiography, Book Lists, Classics, Contemporary, Drama, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Humor, Literary Fiction, Music, Mystery, Reading, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Suspense/Thriller, Young Adult
Ok, maybe not EACH genre, but let’s cover the basics here. Are you ever reading and find that the silence is not so silent? That the ambient noise of ACs, …
There are plenty of bands out in the world who are inspired by literature. Most likely you won’t be surprised by this fact, but you might be surprised by some …
Although I love simply picking up a book and reading, I sometimes look for ways to make it even more interesting and insightful. One way I’ve found is occasionally …
With the release of Eight Days A Week, Ron Howard’s Beatles documentary, we can expect this September to have a healthy dose of revitalized Beatlemania. To prepare, or just …
Literature is art; music is art. It only makes sense that one would inspire the other. Bands such as Led Zeppelin are well known for their use of literary …
YouTube Channel: ASAPSCIENCE The last day of May, May 31st, is National Meditation Day! I think that when some hear the word meditation they are quick to associate it …