Category: Banned Books
An Illinois school district has recently pulled one book off its junior English curriculum and is opening up a public forum of debate over the rest of the reading …
As an elementary school student in Kabul, Aghanistan, Sajia Darwish had very few books to read: the school “library” consisted of nothing more than a spare closet with a few …
Cierra Loften
November 7, 2016
Authors, Autobiography, Banned Books, Book Lists, Book Lovers, Drama, Family, Faves, Human Interest, LGBT, Literary Quotes, Reading, Young Adult
It’s no mystique that banned books have spanned the ideals, motives, and ultimately, the lives of all who have heard their stories. From the classics such as Ulysses, The Adventures …
Next year, Argentinian conceptual artist Marta Minujin has plans to construct a massive installation in order to promote intellectual freedom and to protest literary censorship in Germany and around …
It’s late at night and I’m up reading way past my bedtime. I crouch underneath the covers, flashlight hovering over the pages of a book I’m not supposed to …
Cierra Loften
September 28, 2016
Banned Books, Book Lists, Children, Classics, Comics and Graphic Novels, History, Human Interest, John Green, Romance, Stephanie Meyer, Videos, Young Adult
YouTube Channel: Alltime10s From the Description: Vampire sex, gay penguins and naked super heroes are all included in our shocking top 10 list of books banned in schools. Banned Books …
Banned books week has become a ritual for librarians, booksellers, book lovers, bloggers and publishers alike. This is a week of celebrating those books which are repeatedly (or newly) …
This week, September 25 – October 1, is Banned Book Week 2016. This is an annual week-long celebration of the freedom to read. According to the American Library Association …
Elizabeth Nedland
September 25, 2016
African American, Autobiography, Banned Books, Book Lists, Children, Classics, Computing, Contemporary, Dystopian, Fantasy, Human Interest, Mental Health, New Adult, Young Adult
There are a lot of good books we were all supposed to read in high school. Some of them were very enjoyable and helped me learn a lot, and …
2016’s Banned Books Week begins on September 25th! So join your local libraries, bookstores, and other literary organizations in this celebration of your freedom to read. What Is …
Jessica Roberts
August 22, 2016
Autobiography, Banned Books, Book Lists, Book Lovers, Book Porn, Children, Classics, Drama, Human Interest, Reading, Short Story, TBR
Do you read the same books over and over again? Are you stuck just reading authors you know? If so, you may be in a reading funk, but never …
In light of the recent news on terrorism, even books have been swept up in a storm of unease, bringing up discussions on the suitability and appropriateness of certain …
Hausa novels are literature written by Hausa people in the northern region of Nigeria. Hausa novels with romantic themes have created a literary revolution in the region. The flame …
Harry Potter is likely one of the best fantasy series ever written (I may be a little biased.). From the publication of the first book, many religious people have tried …
Olivia Knight
July 26, 2016
Banned Books, Classics, E.L. James, Erotica, Fantasy, Horror, J.K. Rowling, Reading, Stephen King, Suspense/Thriller
If there’s one villain whom movie watchers and comic book lovers love to hate or hate to love, it’s the Joker. Completely resistant to psycho therapy, this monstrous maniac …
YouTube Channel: wochit News Before the horrors of the Holocaust began, Adolf Hitler wrote his autobiography, Mein Kampf, and it was published in two volumes. Volume 1 was released in 1925 …
YouTube Channel: Banned Books week doesn’t begin until late September, though I thought it would be interesting to see some of the many books that have been banned in …
YouTube Channel: Banned Books Week Banned Books Week may not be here yet (it is held during September 25 to October 1st this year) though why not get a head …
From the Los Angeles Register: A Riverside schools committee has banned the book The Fault in Our Stars from its middle schools after a parent challenged the teen love story …