
Student With Alien Obsession Vanishes, Leaves Behind Books In Code

Source: Odyssey Online

There are some people in the world with some, shall we say, unconventional beliefs. It’s easy for those of us who look upon these views with skepticism to be dismissive and ask for proof. But every now and then there’s an event that makes you pause and wonder.

Source: Giphy

Take for instance the still developing case of Bruno Borges, 24. By all accounts Bruno is known as a good kid, was very smart, and did well in school. But Bruno is also known to be a little different in that he not only believes in the existence of aliens, but is obsessed with them. On March 27th, Bruno suddenly disappeared without much evidence as to where he went.

Source: Daily Star

However, he did leave coded messages from the floor to the ceiling of his bedroom. Investigators reported the code was a mix of alien languages in the mode of the Da Vinci Code and satanic signs. There were also reports of a giant statue of the philosopher Giordano Bruno being present in the room. For those who aren’t familiar with his work, Giordano was one of the first intellectuals to believe in the possibility of alien life on other planets. There was also a second painting of Giordano in Bruno’s room with an alien in the background.

Source: OVNI Hojel

According to his family, Bruno Borges was also in the middle of working on 14 books said to be in some sort of coded language. He had asked his family for money to help him fund this project, but would not completely tell them what it was. When pushed for more information, he would only say he was working on books that would “change humanity in a good way.”

There hasn’t been any indicator found as to where he might be or where he went. What is clear, though, is that he was obsessed with aliens and the possibility of their appearance. The investigators did not state whether or not this obsession played a role in his disappearance. 

What do you believe happened to Bruno?

YouTube Channel: Fright Night


Featured image via The Odyssey Online

h/t NY Post