
A Real Life Giving Tree Appears In California

Source: Pintrest

A majority of us can remember some of our most cherished childhood stories. Most of these taught us lessons in friendship, caring, and other moral values. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein certainly fit the bill for all of these lessons. The Silverstein classic is about a boy with dreams and ambitions and a tree that does all it can to help him fulfill them. A story that preaches the merits of selflessness and lifelong friendships, this book was, and still is, a staple in many homes. However, in spite of most people’s fondness for the story, I think it’s safe to say we would all be puzzled by the appearance of a real life Giving Tree in the street.

Source: Amazon

And no, before anyone asks, I don’t mean a tree that talks to you and inquires on the various ways it could make your life easier. No, I am talking about something more in line with the appearance of a tree trunk in the shape of a seat. Much like the strange occurrence in Oakland, California when a recently cut down tree was transformed into a chair overnight. Someone even took the time to write down the last exchange between the tree and the boy, who was by that time an old man.

Source: Littlethings

No one seems to know who is behind the creation of the Giving Tree or why they made it. However, the sudden appearance of the Giving Tree does seem to have enabled people to share memories of the tree growing up. It has also sparked some online to share stories about how the Silverstein story impacted their lives.

This Giving Tree isn’t going to be handing out means of travel or making money, but it seems that the tree is enabling others to share personal experiences and come together, once again, through books and literature. I hope that whoever created the real-life Giving Tree is happy knowing their creation brought about this type of connection between people. In a time when division is becoming more and more common, this rallying cry of unity was certainly needed.

YouTube Channel: Babies and Kids Channel


Featured image via Pinterest

h/t EW