Everyone is not Keeping up with the Kardashians.
74-year old Carl Puia was arrested yesterday after turning himself in after a crime he committed in October of last year. The crime you ask? Vandalizing six copies of socialite and reality TV star Kim Kardashian’s latest book Selfish.
Puia used a red liquid dye to ruin the books, and professes himself as a true anti-fan of the famed star.
Puia, who was subsequently charged with third-degree criminal mischief, also had a few choice words to say in a lengthy letter to the Glastonbury, CT Barnes & Noble store about their selling merchandise written and/or involving the Kardashians, although that letter has not been released to the public.
So, where is this ‘dangerous criminal’ now? Puia was recently released without posting bail.
YouTube Channel: Christian Blayk
Featured image via The Financial Express
h/t TMZ