Some folks are saying that the adult coloring craze has run its course. However, in my house at least, it’s still alive and well; after an insanely stressful day at work nothing loosens my clenched jaw and melts my stress away like a fresh page of patterns beckoning me to create my own masterpiece.
Mandalas and other geometric patters seem to be the most popular among coloring enthusiasts; throughout my search for the perfect books, though, I’ve come across a handful of truly strange and oddly-specific ones that left me chuckling or scratching my head. Here are seven of those for you to try:
1. Bun B’s Rap Coloring and Activity Book by Shea Serrano
Enjoy coloring some of history’s greatest rappers including Jay Z, Tupac, Kanye, and LL Cool J! More than just a coloring book, this one also includes connect-the-dot pictures and word searches.
2. Dinosaurs With Jobs: A Coloring Book Celebrating Our Old-School Coworkers by Theo Nicole Lorenz
Lorenz draws dinosaurs in a variety of ordinary professions (like I.T. and dog grooming). You’ll love the absurdity of the premise and the quality of the images.
3. Thrill Murray by Mike Coley (and multiple illustrators)
Want to feed your obsession with all things Bill Murray? Okay, me neither. But if you were to want to, this book has got you covered, with everything from The Life Aquatic, to Groundhog Day, to Ghostbusters.
4. Color Me Drone Warfare by Jeff Lassahn
Fuel your pro or anti-drone sentiments with images of pilots, politicians, drone factories, and victims. Your inner patriot (or anarchist) will thank you!
5. The Coloring Book of Poop by Ploppie McCrapperson
This one is an interactive coloring book (don’t worry…not that kind of interactive), full of pages to color and interesting facts about that one thing that we all do, but never want to talk about.
6. Go F*ck Yourself, I’m Coloring: Swear Word Coloring Book by Alex Fleming
Sometimes after a rough day at work, you just want to come home and shout some obscenities. This one will allow you to share your feelings in a colorful and beautiful way!
7. The Trump Coloring Book by M.G. Anthony
Love him or hate him, you’ll enjoy fostering those emotions with this hilarious book. It depicts him playing Battleship with Kim Jong Un, chess with Vladimir Putin, and even dressed as Marilyn Monroe!
With these unusual, specific, and downright hilarious books to draw from, I say, “long live the adult coloring craze!!”
YouTube Channel: Mad Pretty
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