
President Of The United Petunias? New Book Offers Glimpse Into The Gardening Life Of Presidents

Folks, the title is true! Current, and previous, presidents of the USA (first ladies,too!) love to Garden. If you thought the luscious White House grounds were simply kept up by staff, think again!

Timber Press has published a book titled All The Presidents’ Gardens: Madison’s Cabbages to Kennedy’s Roses written by Marta McDowell that explores the many (yes, MANY!) presidents who have a green thumb. Who knew?

Source: Amazon

Although we are not so sure if Trump or Clinton have a passion for plants, Michelle Obama certainly takes the cake for garden growing prowess. She initiated an organic vegetable garden on White House grounds. Here, she gets her hands dirty, and works with students to grow all kinds of delicious eats.

However, long before the likes of Michelle Obama, Presidents have been adding to the landscape of the iconic home. Starting with the very first one, George Washington, who had a love for roses. Also, Thomas Jefferson kept up windowsill gardens, and hired French botanist, Andre Michaud on a special expedition for trees west of Mississippi. These trees now provide the White House shelter from the hot hot sun!

Source: JustJared

McDowell’s book talks about other Presidents, and includes hilarious anecdotes, as well. She writes about Abraham Lincoln‘s active young sons whose pet goat would eat the beautiful flowers. McDowell also tells about the sheep that grazed the lawns during WWI, and the cattle that supplied milk during the second World War. So many fascinating things happened right there, among the greenery at the White House.

*Fun Fact: President George Bush absolutely hated broccoli, and Barack Obama will not eat beets!*

Source: SP Faust

All The Presidents’ Gardens is a book full of other interesting facts about the grounds of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and it would make any gardening book lover thrilled this holiday season.

Reading is knowledge, my friends.

YouTube Channel: The White House


Featured image via Treehugger

h/t The Toronto Star