Exercising is one of those activities that I think people either love or hate. There’s rarely a gray area. Me? It all depends on the type of exercise I’m doing (Insanity class, no thanks!) and as long as I have a great playlist in my ears, I’m good to go. So, to get you up and moving with a smile on your face rather than a I’m-dreading-even-lifting-a-finger-how-am-I-supposed-to-lift-weights expression, here are 5 books that will hopefully get you excited about moving your body!
1. The Calorie Myth: How to Eat More and Exercise Less, Lose Weight, and Live Better by Jonathan Bailor
Now, you’ll love this one: its main purpose is to explain to you how you don’t need to work out as much as you think you do. A good body is made up of not only a safe and challenging workout routine, but a well-balanced diet that doesn’t have to mean all berries, nuts, and veggies. There are countless, practical cookbooks and recipe guides available that, along with The Calorie Myth, help you develop the best routine and lifestyle that works best for you.
2. The Unapologetic Fat Girl’s Guide to Exercise and Other Incendiary Acts by Hanne Blank
Right off the bat, I love the attitude that the title of this book has. More than the average ‘skinny’ or ‘normal-sized’ person, larger men and women often get way more flack for their ‘unhealthy’ body types and are made to settle into society’s version of what beautiful is. This book slaps that stereotype in the face and presents helpful ways in which you can live a healthy life, though not have to succumb to how other’s expect or desire you to look.
3. I Hate It When Exercise Is the Answer: A Fitness Program for the Soul by Emily Watts
Doing a fair share of sit-ups and push-ups may surely help you feel more in tip-top shape, but what about the days when you just don’t (and I mean really don’t) have the motivation, (or the muscle strength) to get up and walk those 5 miles? While I do think that pushing oneself is a great positive habit to form, some days you need to just give it a rest and take care of your body. In comes, Emily Watts’ I Hate It When Exercise Is The Answer. As much as we want to take care of our body health, we need to remain motivated to do the same for our spiritual and emotional. This hilarious book will have you busting a gut and burning calories from laughter like you would not believe, and, overall, is a wonderful spirit booster.
4. Anatomy of Exercise: A Trainer’s Inside Guide to Your Workout by Pat Manocchia
If you’re someone who feels encouraged and inspired to exercise when you can actually see what is happening to your body during and after you do, Anatomy of Exercise is that extra step you’ve been looking for (in book form)! Filled with numerous anatomical photographs featuring exercise sequences, you’ll be able to physically see which muscles you’re strengthening, toning, and whipping into shape. Plus, it’s from a trainer’s point of view, so you can trust that they know what’s happening to the body and can guide you about the safe ways of exercising.
5. Calm Energy: How People Regulate Mood with Food and Exercise by Robert E. Thayer
Calm Energy brings attention and awareness to one of the main reasons people gain weight so quickly and have no clue as to why: emotional eating. A vast majority of us do it, and the frightening thing is, we often do it without thinking. Eating when you’re bored, snacking excessively when indulging in some Netflix, these are all unhealthy habits and can lead us further away from our health goals than towards them. This book is a very insightful read, which may be a tad statistics heavy, though its worth the gain of knowledge and could ultimately be life-changing for many.
Which books keep you health-conscious and motivated to stay healthy?
YouTube Channel: Meredith Grace
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