
Emma Watson’s ‘Our Shared Shelf’ Takes London By Storm

As if Emma Watson being a notable bookworm and United Nations Goodwill Women’s Ambassador isn’t enough to make us love her, the live-action Beauty and the Beast actress is making headlines in the book world yet again.

Lately, the Harry Potter and My Week With Marilyn actress has been leaving personal notes and free books along London subway station areas.

What a cool, spontaneous idea!

The chosen literary works Emma planted along the subway stations? 100 copies of late poet Maya Angelou’s memoir, Mom & Me & MomThe memoir chronicles the personal life and experiences Angelou shared with her mother, as well as the rollercoaster aspects of a mother and daughter relationship.

The novel is also the most recently chosen book for Watson’s online Goodreads book club, Our Shared Shelf which currently is a bookworm home to more than 150,000 book lovers around the globe.

Watson posted the surprise book sharing on her Facebook page Tuesday:

“I’ve been hiding copies of Mom & Me & Mom for Books on the Underground on the tube today!”

While it’s likely that close to all of the hidden novels have been earnestly discovered by bookworms and fans by now, the idea stirs up the excitement and love of reading once again in the hearts of bookworms, everywhere.

In case you weren’t able to find a hidden gem copy yourself, here’s what the note from Watson inside the books said:

“You are the finder of Our Shared Shelf’s bimonthly book choice …. Take special care of it and when you are finished please leave it on the tube again for someone else to find.”

The British actresses’ random act of book sharing is in due part of bringing positive attention and awareness to the Books on the Underground program, which was established in 2012 and actively encourages London commuters to leave books for others to discover and read along their day-to-day travelings.

Past Reads From Our Shared Shelf:

What do you think of Emma’s idea? Are you a member of her online book club?

YouTube Channel: Totally Emma Watson


Featured image via Hello!

h/t LA Times