
8 (Plus One) Bookish Accessories That Will Keep Us Cozy In Bed

Nothing beats reading in bed. Laying down, stretched out and relaxed, turning page after page while your eyes fight the call of slumber. Reading in a nice warm bed is so peaceful, it’s no wonder we all love to do it. So, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em, right? Here are some fantastic accessories that seriously up the bed reading game!


1. These Wordy Mix And Match Pillows

Designer Said The King, nailed it with pillows that can be switched up to show your personality. Whether you’re a little cheeky or a lot of lovey, you will be excited to snuggle up with these awesome pillows and read the day away.

2. This Small, But Mighty, Book Light

Sometimes the tiniest things can make large impressions. This little light attaches to your book and allows you to read at night without disturbing anyone else. Genius!

Source: Amazon

3. These Time And Gadget Saving Glasses

If you already wear frames, why hassle with a light too?

4. This Ultimate Backrest

A formed pillow made for reading is a great solution for night-time book worms. Although the extended comfort comes with a steep price tag, it’s totally worth it!

Source: Amazon

5. This Digit-Extending Page Holder

The thumb thing brings leisure to bed readers who have found this wonderful gadget. It’s a clever must-have for a relaxing reading experience.

Source: Amazon

6. This Super Coveted Duvet Cover

Available at, this cozy duvet is the perfect accessory to bring on the reading mood!

Source: Etsy

7. A Seat Just For Your Book!

So, you don’t want to hold your book, like, at all? This pillow rest just for a novel will solve all your problems! Also available in periwinkle blue, grey, purple, olive, and pink.

Source: Amazon

8. This Magical Headboard

Hey you, bookworm. Yeah, you! Here is a place where you can store your books, and nap. Can we get a “Hell yeah!?”

This list would not be complete without including one bizarre bed accessory. Introducing: Bed Prism Glasses. Amazon has your back with these super cool (yikes!) reading glasses. They are designed to allow you to read in bed. For people with limited mobility, these frames could be helpful. But for average book nerd, it may be a step too far. 10 out of 10 for imagination. LOL.

Source: Amazon

How much reading do you get done in bed?

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Featured image via Pixabay

h/t Hobbr