
Born To Be Wild: Bruce Springsteen’s Newly Released Autobiography Skyrockets Book Sales

Bruce Springsteen’s autobiography, Born To Run, was a bestseller before it was even released. The book has been out for just over a month now (published Sept. 27, 2016) and is still 12th on Amazon’s bestseller list for books.

Springsteen has been working on this book since he played in the Super Bowl halftime show back in 2009. His experience at the Super Bowl was so exhilarating, Springsteen felt he needed to write about it and share that moment with his fans.

Source: Amazon

Born To Run begins with a foreword where Springsteen says “One of the questions I’m asked over and over again by fans on the street is ‘How do you do it?’ In the following pages I will try to shed a little light on how and, more important, why.”

Springsteen broke Born To Run into three parts: Book One: Growin’ Up, Book Two: Born To Run, and Book Three: Living Proof. As would be expected, the book starts with Springsteen as a child growing up in Freehold, New Jersey. Springsteen describes his street, house, the church on his street, and his experiences in such detail it is as if they are being reborn on those pages.

Source: Glasgowist

He shares the story of when he first saw Elvis Presley on the Ed Sullivan Show and was first catapulted into his passion of music as well as stories of the punishments given to a student in Catholic school in the 50’s who wouldn’t follow the rules.

Born To Run is a candid and captivating look at the life of one of the greatest rock stars. The prose is just as captivating as the lyrics to Springsteen’s hit song of the same name. Fans get a first-hand look at the struggles and triumphs as well as a chance to learn why the song, Born To Run, meant so much to Springsteen.

Will you be reading Born To RunWhat’s your favorite Bruce Springsteen album?

YouTube Channel: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert


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