If you’re a journalist, writer, or even an avid reader who uses Twitter, chances are you’ve heard that November is National Novel Writing Month, aka NaNoWriMo. The name may sound like the noise a toddler makes when they see their Nanna’s car pull up in the driveway, but the pseudo-acronym has come to mean much more than that.
Most of us will admit that we work better under pressure. Deadlines have a way of starting fires under butts and getting people to accomplish things that otherwise may not ever be completed. Another concept that is important to accomplishing a goal is moral support and motivation. Think about it. When you were in school and you had an essay due, did you call, text, and email commiserations to classmates who were working on the exact same project? Then you get my point.
The NaNoWriMo organization has all of this covered. In their own words: “At NaNoWriMo, we provide the support, encouragement, and good old-fashioned kick in the pants you need to write the rough draft of your novel in November.”
Once you sign up for the challenge, you’ll find yourself immersed in a group of people all plugging away towards the same goal. This community of like-minded artists can support, prod, critique, and cry along with each other during the intense work period. And if this isn’t enough to bolster your confidence, a number of celebrity authors offer “Pep Talks” to writers, explaining tools, offering coping mechanisms, sharing secrets, and showering praise and encouragement on all writers. Past Pep Talk authors include John Green and James Patterson. Yep, you read that right. Who wouldn’t feel excited and eager to work after reading a letter from James freaking Patterson?
National Novel Writing Month was initiated in 1999. It is now a registered non-profit organization that had a whopping 431,626 people engaged during November 2015. Or, as it says on the website, these were people who, “started the month as auto mechanics, out-of-work actors, and middle school English teachers. They walked away novelists.” Now that’s an impacting statement.
The month of November has 30 days. Perfect for writing a novel. 50,000 words? No problem. It may not always be easy, but it’s doable. You’ve got this!
YouTube Channel: The Book Leo
Featured image via The Book Doctors