Someone said you can tell a lot about a person by what they read. So, in the interests of helping out book-loving undecided voters, I thought I’d take a look at the reading habits of the two candidates for the next President of the United States.
I hit a snag. According The Washington Post, Donald Trump doesn’t have time to read. “I never have. I’m always busy doing a lot. Now I’m more busy, I guess, than ever before.”
Not strictly true, according to this Tweet from Tony Schwartz, who ghost wrote his most successful book:
I wrote the The Art of Deal. Donald Trump read it.
~ Tony Schwartz (@tonyschwartz) September 17, 2015
Seriously folks, finding out what they read might not help. But what about what they write? I’ve checked and both Donald Trump are Hillary Clinton are published authors.
The Book Titles of Donald Trump
Donald Trump has at least 15 titles to his name. Some were best sellers, others not according to Gawker. Most are business-orientated such as: The Art of the Deal, The Art of the Comeback, Think Like A Billionaire, Trump: Never Give Up, Trump: How To Get Rich, and Think BIG and Kick Ass in Business and Life.
He has three titles about the country he hopes to lead: Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America, Trump: The America We Deserve, and Time To Get Tough: Making America #1 Again.
What do his Trump’s titles tell us?
In his own opinion, at least, he’s a businessman with superhero powers and the free world’s only hope.
The Book Titles of Hillary Clinton
Writing-wise, Hillary Clinton doesn’t match quantity with Trump. However, she does consistently top best-seller lists and has even won a Grammy Award for the audio version of her first book: It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us.
It Takes a Village was penned during her time as First Lady, as were Dear Socks, Dear Buddy: Kids’ Letters to the First Pets (for which she was ‘helped’ by journalist Linda Kulman) and An Invitation to the White House: At Home with History. With Dear Socks, Dear Buddy, she was following in the keystrokes of her predecessor, Barbara Bush.
Clinton’s later titles include her autobiography, Living History; then came Hard Choices about her time as Secretary of State. With running mate, Tim Kane, she co-wrote Stronger Together which, according to its strapline, is ‘A Blueprint for America’s Future.’
What do Clinton’s titles tell us?
She is keenly interested in children and history, and at least two of her titles, her first and her last, champion collaboration as a means of improving society.
Have you read works by either of the candidates? Would you say their writings reflect your vision for the future of the United States?
YouTube Channel: Chris Morales
Featured image via Author’s Own