P.G. Wodehouse, a prolific 20th century humorist, is well-known for mixing comical characters and preposterous plots, a combination that results more often than not in absolute hilarity. Check out these quotes from some of his most beloved books that are sure to tickle your funny bone and have you laughing out loud.
1. “There are moments, Jeeves, when one asks oneself, ‘Do trousers matter?’”
Well…Do they?
2. “I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled.”
If you can be disgruntled, why can’t you be gruntled?
3. “You can’t be a successful Dictator and design women’s underclothing.”
Be sure to keep that in mind when choosing a career.
4. “Unseen in the background, Fate was quietly slipping lead into the boxing-glove.”
Wodehouse’s use of witty and wacky imagery gets us every time.
5. “The voice of Love seemed to call to me, but it was a wrong number.”
Don’t you hate it when that happens?
6. “One prefers, of course, on all occasions to be stainless and above reproach, but, failing that, the next best thing is unquestionably to have got rid of the body.”
If you can’t be innocent, at least make sure you can’t be proven guilty.
7. “A depressing musty scent pervaded the place, as if a cheese had recently died there in painful circumstances.”
We take a moment to mourn the passing of the cheese.
8. “He is out in the garden in his pyjamas, throwing flower-pots through my window.”
The flower pot theme pervades Leave it to Psmith, much to our delight and amusement.
9. “A melancholy-looking man, he had the appearance of one who has searched for the leak in life’s gas-pipe with a lighted candle.”
~ The Man Upstairs and Other Stories
More fun with imagery that’s sure to stick in your thoughts.
10. “If there is one thing I dislike, it is the man who tries to air his grievances when I wish to air mine.”
Love Among the Chickens? Is the quote or the title funnier on this one?
11. “Boyhood, like measles, is one of those complaints which a man should catch young and have done with, for when it comes in middle life it is apt to be serious.”
It’s best to get childhood out of your system while you’re still young.
12. “At this juncture Lord Dawlish walked into a lamp-post.”
Always watch out for lampposts.
13. “You never know what is waiting for you round the corner. You start the day with the fairest prospects, and before nightfall everything is as rocky and ding-basted as stig tossed full of doodlegammon.”
We have no idea what this means, but it sounds funny.
14. “You can’t rush up to pretty girls in the street and tell them you are lonely. At least, you can, but it doesn’t get you anywhere except the police station.”
Yeah, don’t try that…
15. “Behind that closed door, unattainable as youthful ambition, lay his gent’s heather-mixture with the green twill, and here he was, out in the world, alone, in a lemon-coloured bathing suit.”
Have you ever locked yourself out of the house? While dressed in something really embarrassing?
What’s your favorite Wodehouse quote?
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