
Give It A Chance! 5 Reasons To (Sometimes) Read Books You Hate

We all have our own personal list of favorite books, and with that also comes a collection of books we may not like or even hate. Whether its how its written or the content it shows, something about those particular books just doesn’t pique our interest. Although reading is normally for pleasure, reading books we aren’t really fans of could be a way of training the mind.


1. No Book Is Completely The Same

This may be a painfully obvious understatement, but no book is made up with the exact same plot and characters. Just like not all science fiction books have aliens, perhaps just one little part of the story put you off. Sometimes, you may find the story to be actually enjoyable if you give it a little more time.

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2. Training For School

If you’re in school, chances are you might be assigned a book or text you don’t like. Sometimes grudgingly finishing a book can set you up for future success in approaching other books that you might have easily passed up.

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3. Proof And Validation

Face it. Saying you just hate a book isn’t a great way of expressing why you actually hate it. If you’re going to tell yourself and others why you hate a novel, you should have the proper analysis of what elements make it unappealing to you.

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4. The Power Of Age And Time

A lesson many readers should realize is the power of time. As we grow older, our tastes in reading change and will continue to do so. For example, a number of people would absolutely despise Shakespeare’s guts in high school but later in adulthood, they may see and appreciate his talents. There is a reason why children’s books, adolescents’ books and adult books are marketed to appeal to a distinct audience. So, allow yourself and your reading tastes to change!

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5. A Way Of Looking Outside

Don’t be afraid to love what you love! Everyone has their own preferences and are entitled to them. Therefore, if people keep bashing Fifty Shades of Grey and it’s one of your favorite novels, stand up for it! Often times, most people, readers included, will go along with majority’s opinions on a novel or series without experiencing it for themselves. Your opinion just might sway them to give that specific book a go!

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Don’t be afraid to spruce up your reading life every one in a while!

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Featured image via Church Mag

h/t Bustle