4 Reasons Why I Won’t Be Reading The New Harry Potter Book

This is coming from a huge Harry Potter fan; I have no interest in reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. See, I grew up in the Golden Age of Harry Potter. Not just that I grew up reading it, he literally aged every book as I did.

I’ll always be grateful for the Harry Potter books. They made me feel less alone, especially during my teen years. It’s emotionally chaotic and confusing to be young, and Harry was my friend through all that.

What would this book even be about? To me, it seems like an affront or a cheap attempt to reboot something that was so amazing for millions of people. I feel like I already had my run. To go back now would only cheapen the experience. 

Here are 4 reasons why I’m saying PASS to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

1. Harry Potter is self-contained

Harry Potter is more than just a universe like Marvel or Star Wars where you can just pick up the pieces and craft a new story every few years. For me, it’s self-contained.

At every stage of the books, I changed a little. I was understanding grown-up concepts like responsibility and independence through Harry. Each time I read a book, his struggles resonated with me more and more.

You can’t go back and add new information to a self-contained story, it would change what I know to be true.


Source: Lifehack

2. Harry Potter already taught me what I need to know

I learned that people can change for the better, like Hermione who used to be an annoying know it all. I learned that people change for the worse, too, like the unredeemable Peter Pettigrew.

I learned about what it means to have a family and be loved from Ms. Weasley and Sirius who embraced Harry like their own son.

From Hagrid, I learned that other people won’t always fit into our categories and they still deserve our respect and are capable of great things.

But I feel like I could learn nothing of this substance if I read this new book. Nothing that would so powerfully shape my life as the original books had.

3. Harry helped me develop into the person I am today

Harry’s ethos seemed to match mine perfectly. There was a unique window of opportunity where I felt that Harry and I could be the same person. He was my favorite character. I was drawn to him. I admired his resilience and resolve. I admired how he wasn’t especially book smart but intelligent in his own right.

Harry was often an outsider, certainly before he went to Hogwarts and even on occasion when he was at school. I related to him. I have even become a natural leader, like Harry.  


Source: Playbuzz

4. I’m not one for reunions

I feel like even Harry Potter wouldn’t read this new book.

I’m not interested in returning back. I know it would be great fun for other people who delight to see old acquaintances and look forward to high school reunions. That’s just not my style.

It’s time to move on. Pass down Harry Potter to the next generation who are growing up playing with Ipads instead of xylophones. Let them immerse themselves in that world unspoiled.


Source: Playbuzz

If you’re curious about the new Harry Potter book then you can check out our review of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

YouTube Channel: It’s The TruStory


Featured image via Movie Pilot

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