
10 Serious Struggles All Bookworms Can Relate To

I have met only a few book-loving friends whom really take the time to indulge in books and fathom its pages. I really do salute you guys for your consistency in continuously having the essence of books in your lives.

Reading is an amazing hobby isn’t it? Or should I say an amazing lifestyle instead? Ever walked around in public with a book and you are suddenly on the verge of tears when a characters dies or even worse when you can actually watch people in real life mimic the lines you just read.

It can be awkward and tough for us readers and there is bound to be certain struggles that we occasionally face. So here I present you, the ultimate struggles that bookworms can relate to!

1) Deciding your next book

This is the toughest part for me. Each time after I close a book it’s so hard for me to decide what’s next! I bet most readers have this trouble too. Too many good books out there, so little time!

Source: VINAMY

2) Books turned movies

For those of us whom reading a good book that has yet to or has turned into a movie you would agree that they are sometimes a yay or nay factor. What we envision after reading a book and what is portrayed on screens are not always similar aren’t they? Thus, has been a continuous debate for decades!

Source: We Heart It

3) Sorting your bookshelf

For those like myself who just can’t sit still without fidgeting and arranging stuff not to mention sorting your book collection over and over again? There is always something to be improved on isn’t there? Like sorting them by author, colour, alphabetical order? Gahhh! What a dilemma!

Source: We Heart It

4) Lending your favourite book to humans

Personally I have experienced this and sadly it did not turn out well. I lent my book to a friend because I recommended it to her and till today I have not seen the light of it. We apparently lost contact and I lost a part of me with that book. Sobs!

Source: Clarence Regional Library

5) Going on a vacation

Alas! It’s time for a vacation! The one you have been dreading for! But, you have one small problem. Which book to bring along!? A good book that’s too heavy? or a book that’s too thin that wouldn’t even last you to the boarding gates! Crucial decision isn’t it?

Source: We Heart It

6) Looking like a retard in public

Whether its dealing with you favourite character whom just died or you just hit the juicy part of the book and apparently you’re standing in a train thats jam-packed or on a bus that is way too crowded to even breathe and you just let your emotions take over you. But, you don’t really care about how you look do you? Me neither.

Source: Bored Pal

7) Bumping into objects

Walking and reading? By far this is the most extreme I think. I have seen people with phones, blindly walking and bumping into humans but I guess books are just a litre odd. But then again there is no excuse not to read right?

Source: Gathered Nettles

8) Deciding which book to ask for as a gift

The moment of truth! When your parents, boyfriends/girlfriends or whomever asks you what you want as a gift and you immediately to a mind scan of all the books you have on your TBR list. Definitely a dream come true right? Okay, maybe too dramatic. But still, you have to decide which book you want them to get you! Good luck!

Source: Literary Hub

9) Missing your stop

Pretty normal if you fell asleep, but being engrossed in a book can lead you to slowly disappearing from reality and thus, leading to forgetting where you’re at and tadaaaa! You missed your stop!

Source: Satsuki Ohata

10) Avoiding humans

Your mates are calling you out for dinner, a short movie or a simple chill night out but you’re on your bed, you’re reading a good book and You don’t want to go out. Your excuse is, you’re busy and you have other plans? We all have been there and done that haven’t we? Making up excuses to avoid human contact. Way to go!

Source: We Heart It


So there you have it! Let us know if you can relate to these top ten struggles in the comments below and do share with us your personal bookworm struggles!

Featured image via We Heart It