
15 Stunning Instagram Accounts Every Book Lover Needs To Follow

I’ll admit I was a little slow to hop on the Instagram bandwagon. Okay, as someone who joined this year, I was a lot slow. If I had known the magic of Bookstagrams—Instagram accounts focused on shelfies, book porn, micro reviews, quotes, and a profound love of books—I would’ve signed up much sooner. If you need your Instagram feed to be filled with fewer photos of your friend’s lunches (I’m that friend, you’re welcome) and more photos of your next favorite book, check out these 15 stunning Instagram accounts.

1) @nypl

The New York Public Library’s Instagram account brings the best of their digital collection, notes lost in old card catalogs, and cool covers to your feed.

2) @thelittlestbookshelf

It doesn’t get more romantic than the lovely photos of books on beds of pearls and flowers on book blogger Courtney’s Instagram.

3) @awfullibrarybooks

Two librarians with a passion for weeding awful books from the library’s collection share their favorite terrible finds. You’ll laugh every time one of these ridiculous covers shows up on your feed.

4) @subwaybookreview

An original account where  New York City subway riders give quick reviews of the books they’re reading on the train.

5) @bookbaristas

Nothing goes better together than coffee and a good book. Natasha shares a wide range of reading recommendations paired with, none other than, her favorite beverage.

6) @nyrbooks

If you’re also in love with the chic, uniform covers that grace New York Review Books, you’ll love their Instagram.

7) @blueeyedbiblio

Emily, the 19-year-old Midwestern college student behind this Instagram account, has 121,000 followers waiting for her next shelfie.

8) @crimeofrhyme

Alison’s beautiful photos of carefully prepared healthy snacks, caffeinated drinks, jewelry, flowers, and of course, books, evoke the perfect quiet day spent reading.

9) @hotdudesreading

Hot Dudes Reading is self-explanatory. Enjoy.

10) @parisreview 

The Paris Review’s Instagram posts excerpts from past issues, first drafts by famous authors, and amazing art. It’s the perfect between-issues fix.

11) @catbookclub

If your two favorite things are cats and books, you’re about to be in heaven.

12) @dogbookclub 

More of a dog person? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

13) @girlinthepages

If you can’t get enough young adult fiction, check out Cristina’s colorful Instagram, Girl in the Pages, which is always full of book recommendations.

14) @cityofdeja

This book obsessed 16-year-old has one of the best Bookstagrams for YA fiction fans.

15) @bestbookgrams

Need a quick review of the latest fiction release before you decide to buy? This Instagram is a favorite for recommendations and micro reviews.

What are your favorite Instagram accounts for book lovers? Let us know in the comments!

YouTube Channel: Blue Eyed Biblio


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