
Happy Birthday To You! 5 Inspirational Books That’ll Make Your Special Day The Best Yet!

With a birthday looming over my shoulder, the prospect of getting older has really set in this year. Lately, the years have really started to go by quickly and so much has changed within the past few years of my life. It really forces you to look closely at how all the little details of life are greasing the wheels along. There’s endless analyzing of the pieces of trying figure out if you’re going to actually make it. Then you realize: this is adulthood. One simple mind boggling fact that somehow leaves you ready to open up a pint of ice cream and drown in Netflix for hours on end. Or, perhaps that’s just me.

Even though growing older has its pros and cons, there’s still much to look forward to! Check out these five inspirational books to remind you that birthdays are, truly, a gift.

1. 30 Things Every Woman Should Have & Should Know By The Time She’s 30 Gift Book by Pamela Redmond Satran and The Editors of Glamour

Normally, I don’t care much for books that are all about telling women how to live their lives. So when a friend of mine suggested I read this book I wasn’t very thrilled at the idea. Little did I know, I was so unbelievably wrong. The awesome editors of Glamour Magazine that put together this book completely surprised me. The gift book features writings by Maya Angelou, Katie Couric, Kathy Griffin, Taylor Swift, and so many other inspirational women.

Source: Amazon

2. The Birthday Book: Funny, Wise, and Inspirational Quotes For Your Birthday by TheQuoteWell

I must say, I absolutely love quotes. After my hands-down favorite professor made the class keep notebooks to jot down quotes as a semester project, I got in the habit of writing down every quote I love and looking back on it later when I need a little inspiration. This book is filled with inspirational quotes that are all about life – no matter what stage you’re in.

Source: Amazon

3. It’s My F—ing Birthday: A Novel by Merrill Markoe

This novel takes place over a period of seven birthdays, and the pages track the main character’s life progress. If you’re not very thrilled about having another birthday, this book’s humor will have you laughing in no time. I don’t know about you, but I adore novels that add a funny take to things I just don’t care for, like birthdays.

Source: Amazon

4. Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

Many students are required to read this novel either in high school or college, but if you somehow managed to make it through both without checking it out, it’s perfect for a birthday. The story follows teenage Janie as she travels through her own life, maturing into a strong woman. What I love about this book is that it reminds you to reflect on how events in life – even if they don’t seem so at the time – can still lead to fantastic endings.

Source: Amazon

5. The Unspeakable: And Other Subjects of Discussion by Meghan Daum

Some novels that openly discuss issues that you overcome as you get older can be a bit boring at times, but The Unspeakable isn’t one of them. In this collection of ten personal essays, Daum speaks about all the things you begin to feel when you’re reaching your 30’s. She focuses on the decisions that must be weighed throughout life, as well as the things we look back on, at times through rose-colored glasses.

Source: Amazon

Enjoy your special day!

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