
7 Stunning Books by The London Folio Society

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If you’re anything like me, you love collecting books. And not just any kind of book. You look for the books that you believe are going to make an impact on your shelves and be great talking points with other book-lovers. Luckily, for all you collectors out there, The Folio Society, a London publisher that specializes in the upkeep and maintenance of keeping an array of popular novels in tiptop shape, puts together beautiful books with well thought out illustrations and bindings. Below are some of the most attractive books in their catalog.

1. Dune by Frank Herbert, Illustrated by Sam Weber

Folio Society’s illustrated version of Dune was what made me fall in love with the company’s gorgeous reproductions. The art by Sam Weber is truly monumental work and the cover is striking with Paul looking directly at the reader with bright blue eyes and dust/stars scattered across his body.

2. The Shining by Stephen King, Illustrated by Edward Kinsella

Much like The Overlook Hotel, dark and foreboding is the feeling you get when looking at Folio Society’s cover for The Shining. Edward Kinsella packs a lot of emotion and tension in his illustrations, giving the impression that something is off kilter.  The end paper on the binding is also an outstanding detail for fans of the book.

3. The Midnight Folk by John Masefield, Illustrated by Sara Ogilvie

The cover for The Midnight Folk gives off a very mysterious vibe and instantly drew me in when I saw it. I had never heard of this book before however, the cover Sara Ogilvie designed made me want to pick the book up immediately. Ogilvie’s artwork continues to soar in bright blues and greens, sweeping across the pages as you read the book.

4. Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote, Illustrated by Karen Klassen

The illustrations by Karen Klassen in Folio Society’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s look like high class fashion spreads. The drawings showcase the very fashion-forward Holly GoLightly, famously played by the stunning Audrey Hepburn in the 1961 movie, and the cover is, simply, breathtaking.

5. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Illustrated by Sam Weber

The art for Fahrenheit 451 is done by Sam Weber who also did the Dune artwork. Once again, the art is stellar and Weber deftly utilizes color to portray very specific moods in his paintings. The cover, with the red fireman’s face staring directly at the reader, is striking and unforgettable.

6. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, Illustrated by Sean McSorley

A staple in high school English classes, students might be more interested in the book if their copies had this cover. With stunning grey-scale intermixed with a red boat and the steam from the boat curling up to form a red skull, the Heart of Darkness cover arresting and the art is textured and alive.

7. Beowulf  by Unknown, Illustrated by Becca Thorne

This Folio Society book is one I would love to have on my shelves. The cover and printing of the text make this book look like a relic from the middle ages. The art is done in a vicious blood red and the text on the left is in Old English with the corresponding text on the right a translation to modern day English.

Do you have any favorite Folio Society books? Let us know in the comments!

YouTube Channel: Folio Society


Featured image via Folio Society