
Pulp Magazines Live On! 5 Classics For The Steadfast Sci-Fi Fan

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I’m sure you’ve seen them. Dusty old little books made out of cheap paper with an equal cover price, most of them in cents. The illustrations in the front are always catchy: alien kidnappers, robots out of control, a murder scene, etc. These rad vintage magazines are called Pulp magazines. Pulp magazines are among my fascinations because I absolutely love Sci-Fi! I’m here today to present you with a list of awesome current publications that will surely prove that: pulp magazines live on!

1. Analog Science Fiction and Fact

Sci-fi mixed with actual science facts and curiosities fill the pages of Analog Science Fiction and Fact. Currently publishing ten issues per year (some of them twice the regular size), this magazine offers short stories, actual science articles and even poetry.

Source: Amazon

2. Asimov’s Science Fiction

Named after science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, this hardcore Sci-Fi magazine brings us fascinating short stories and novellas from the genre. It is also available in its own digital edition.

Source: Amazon

3. Fantasy & Science Fiction

Despite having less popularity in comparison to the others, Fantasy & Science Fiction blends raw science fiction with fantasy that is sure to delight lovers of both genres.

Source: Amazon

4. Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine

For those looking for something else than science fiction and who are mystery lovers, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine is the way to go. More grounded in ‘reality’, each issue carries stories from top groundbreaking mystery authors. The plot twists, shocking and unexpected endings are sure to keep any thriller/mystery lover from closing this amazing magazine, the best when it comes to its genre in my opinion.

Source: Amazon

5. Astounding Stories of Super-Science

A whirlwind collection of adventures that cover everything from time travel, space exploration, as well as anything else within the dreams of a true Sci-Fi fan.

Source: Amazon


There you have it! Those are just a few picks from  larger Pulp magazines currently in publication. From the nostalgic reader who reminiscences about them to the new young fiction lover, be sure to check give them a try! You will not be disappointed.


Featured image via Martin Grams