Now Is The Time To Start Reading Without Walls

This April, all booklovers – readers, authors, librarians, booksellers, teachers, parents — are challenged to start Reading Without Walls.

What is Reading Without Walls?

It’s a national initiative which invites us all to explore the world beyond our comfort zone through the magic of reading. More specifically, by reading books about people who look different to us, and who live lives that are different to ours. Can’t think of a better way to promote diversity and open our hearts and minds to new experiences.

Reading really can create an understanding of ‘the other.’ People might be different on the outside – where they live, what they look like, wear or eat, but stories show us, over and over again, that underneath our outer trappings we have more in common than we think and we share the same hopes and dreams.

The 4 Steps to Taking Part In Reading Without Walls are easy:

  1. Choose a book about a character who doesn’t look or sound like you
  2. Choose a book about a topic that is unfamiliar to you
  3. Choose a book in a format you don’t normally read, e.g. verse, audiobook, comic book, graphic novel
  4. Share your journey by posting about it and using the hashtag #ReadingWithoutWalls.

There is also great free fun stuff to download which will help you on your way: check out the Activity Kit.

For teachers, librarians, bookstore owners and parents there is a downloadable Reading Without Walls Starter Kit – complete with posters and certificates to give the young readers in your life a little extra encouragement.

You can join in the fun and keep up-to-date via The Reading Without Walls Video Podcast, hosted by National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature and comic book genius, Gene Luen Yang.

So many great books to choose from, where do you start? #AmReading can help with that. Check out these posts for inspiration:

Happy Reading Without Walls!

YouTube Channel: Reading Rockets


Featured image via Children’s Book Council

h/t Reading Without Walls