5 Tips To Make Reading More Of A Habit As You Age

High-school, college, video games, social events, sports…

With the hustle and bustle of growing up, getting into the habit of leisurely reading has never been more difficult; other things just seem way more worthwhile.

Before you start tending to all these other things, read about all the ways you can enjoy and preserve your reading habits as you age!


1. Subscribe To Your Favorite Magazine And Newsletters

With a weekly dose of your favorite magazine and newsletter, how can you resist leafing over all the pages? Whether you’re curious about the news, fashion trends, nature, etc. there is sure to be something out there that you can try out! Furthermore, committing yourself to a subscription will make you more likely to read them; you wouldn’t want to let that money go to waste!

Source: Graphic Stock

Source: Graphic Stock

2. Physical Books

Physical books are the way to go when you’re trying to keep reading. All the social media apps, notifications, and games from electronic devices will only add to your level of distraction. When reading for long periods of time, reading paper is always a better option than the screen.

Source: Graphic Stock

Source: Graphic Stock

3. Space Out Time And Places To Read

A good way of getting into a habit is putting it into your daily routine. Having a specific spot to read such as the library, your comfy bean bag couch, or even outside can really boost your book reading habits. By setting aside specific “reading time,” you’ll not only look forward to it after a long day, but it’ll soon become an activity you always find time for.

Source: Graphic Stock

Source: Graphic Stock

4. Get Inspired By A Book Festival

If you are more of a social person, a book festival may be a way of gathering inspiration to read. You’ll find many people that can recommend books to you and have the chance to discuss the books you like as well! All in all, book festivals can really reinvigorate your spirit to read by the sellers, performers, and readers.

Source: Everfest

Source: Everfest

5. Always Carry A Book

A sometimes overlooked reason for not reading is the lack of its presence. Whether you’re going on vacation or just on a long bus ride, bring at least one sizeable book to keep you occupied along with one more option just in case you finish.

Source: Graphic Stock

Source: Graphic Stock

Want to hear more tips on developing awesome reading habits? Listen to this YouTuber’s detailed explanation of his own advice.

Youtube Channel: Thomas Frank


Featured image via Graphic Stock

h/t The Washington Post

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